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Helping the flatfam overcome workplace anxiety - flatfair

Written by flatfair | May 14, 2023 11:00:00 PM

This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme is anxiety, which everyone has felt at some point in time. Many things can result in anxiety, such as relationships, moving into a new home or starting a new job.

At flatfair, we seek to tackle it head on, with a variety of employee perks and initiatives. But our most valuable asset is, and always will be, the support of our fantastic team.

“Buddying up”

The Mental Health Foundation highlights starting a new job as one of the primary sources of anxiety.

Before anyone new joins flatfair, we provide information on what to expect in our onboarding hub. And we dedicate lots of time to answering their questions to reduce uncertainty as much as possible.

In their first week, we aim to make new joiners feel at home right away. They are partnered with a “buddy”, who will grab lunch with them, and offer support, as well as answering any questions they may have about the company or industry.

Damola recently joined the team as our Customer Operations Manager, and he explains how flatfair eased his new-job anxiety from being offered the role:

Work perks

Anxiety can come in lots of shapes and forms. Which is why we have some great partnerships, which provide mental health support to our team, whenever they need it.

We partner with Oliva, an online therapy platform, to offer the team professional support, workshops and manager training.

We also have a monthly well-being budget via Juno. This offers the team the flexibility to choose what works best for them, including access to professional mental health apps such as Clementine, Headspace, and Ed Can Help.

Proud to be a part of the flatfam

Hannah, our People Operations Lead, has worked hard to foster the supportive culture at flatfair and has also made use of flatfair’s well-being benefits herself:

We pride ourselves on being a company which looks out for each other, and that prioritises mental health.

If you are reading this, and are looking for help in managing anxiety, then check out these 9 helpful suggestions published by the Mental Health Foundation.