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flatfair gears up for the 2018 RESI Convention

With less than a week to go, the flatfair team are really excited to be attending this year’s upcoming RESI Convention, the UK’s premier residential conference and networking event.

flatfair co-founders Franz Doerr and Daniel Jeczmien will be joined by Adam Ali, Partnership Manager, at the convention from 12th–14th September at Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales. The RESI Conference Programme 2018 has three key themes: debate, diversity and delivery.

As well as learning more about the latest market intelligence and policy insights, the flatfair team will be attending a series of debates, meeting and engaging with the most influential figures in the UK residential market. “We’re delighted to be attending this year’s RESI Convention – the twelfth of its kind,” says Franz. “It’s a great opportunity to connect with others who are as passionate as we are about fixing the broken housing market, and making renting better for both tenants and landlords.”

A wealth of prominent speakers will be tackling the industry’s most pressing questions, including ‘Why are we no closer to solving the housing crisis?’, as part of a series of debates and TED-type talks. There will also be a dedicated proptech stream, and the convention’s second #RESIHackathon after last year’s success. Surrounded by innovators and disruptors, it seems the flatfair team will be very much at home.

"We’re not only keen to explore the insights that the RESI Convention has to share," says Adam. "We’re also really looking forward to seeing a number of our industry contacts and partners there."

The flatfair team is inviting all attendees to join them for a coffee, lunch, drink or just a chat so if you’re attending and you’d like to meet up, just email us at info@flatfair.co.uk and let us know.