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New pricing structure makes flatfair available to even more tenants

flatfair, the safe, simple and affordable alternative to tenancy deposits, has updated its property criteria, which means that the minimum rent for flatfair properties is now just £25 per week, or £108 per month.

This new pricing structure means that even more landlords can let their properties deposit-free with flatfair, and tenants will have a wider choice of homes to rent without needing to pay a hefty deposit up front. Ordinarily, the price of flatfair membership (also known as a ‘flatbond’) for tenants stands at one week’s rent plus VAT, split evenly across the household. Under the updated system, the minimum flatbond price still stands at £120 + VAT, even for properties with a rental income of under £120 per week, or £520 per month, but these households are now eligible for flatfair membership, where they weren’t before.

For example, if Sam, a sole tenant, would like to rent a property costing £90 per week (or £390 per month) deposit-free with flatfair, the flatbond price will be £120 + VAT (rather than the equivalent of one week’s rent of £90 plus VAT).

Sam’s weekly rent: £90

Sam’s monthly rent: £390

Sam’s flatfair membership fee: £120 (£144 incl. VAT)

"Both landlords and tenants told us that they were keen to rent properties with a lower rental price through flatfair, and we’ve updated our pricing structure accordingly," explains Franz Doerr, flatfair’s Co-founder & CEO. "By reducing the minimum rental income for flatfair properties, we’re opening up the benefits of deposit-free renting to even more tenants and landlords, which is exactly what we’re striving to do."

If you’re interested in listing a property through flatfair, take a look at our property criteria, or our tenant criteria if you’re looking to rent deposit-free. You can also access our web chat service through our website if you have any questions, or just email support@flatfair.co.uk to find out more.