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Zero growing pains with Greystar

Greystar is one of the largest property developers in the UK with a portfolio of more than 12,410 units under management in the UK, with flatfair being offered on nearly 4,000 units.

Over the past four years, flatfair and Greystar’s partnership has meant that they have been able to reduce the usual stresses for their tenants by helping them move into their new home with significantly lower move-in costs, while increasing their protection levels too.

But don’t just take our word for it. Eva, Regional Operations Manager from Greystar says:

“flatfair has been a great support to Greystar since 2018 and together we have grown and improved our service offering in our communities. flatfair and their deposit free option is a great selling tool and we see more and more residents benefitting from it as time goes on.”

And here is why…
Greystar Interested Tenants Icon
With 55% of their tenants interested in flatfair during Greystar’s sign up process, and Rightmove releasing statistics that deposit alternatives are now joint second for the most sought after build to rent amenities, flatfair is a core benefit to Greystar and their tenants.

flatfair is seeing high levels of adoption across many of Greystars modern living spaces in the UK, with nearly half of their units in Sutton using No Deposit and over a third of renters opting for it in Salford and Charter Place.

Saving tenants big bucks on their move-in
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So far, we have saved their tenants a whopping £1,151,434.48 in upfront move-in costs. Which means that they can begin saving for the exciting things in life, like a sunny holiday or to put towards a deposit for their own home.

Or it could be used to help tenants with the on-going cost of living crisis, giving tenants some much needed extra cash to spend on their bills or shopping.

Moving on is made hassle-free for tenants

Greystar’s tenants that use No Deposit, not only have lower upfront move-in costs but also aren’t left waiting for their money to be returned at the end of their tenancy.

With a traditional deposit, tenants are left waiting an average of 5 weeks to receive their money back, whereas with No Deposit, it is a one-off fee, so they can move out and move on to their next property without the wait.

Fewer charges, fewer worries
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It isn’t just tenants who have benefitted from our partnership, as Greystar have also seen an 11% decrease in end of tenancy charges from tenants who use flatfair No Deposit.

This improvement in tenant behaviour allows for a smoother end of tenancy, reducing the stresses on our partners and improving their relationship with tenants.

Greystar offered an extra layer of protection

Greystar Protection Icon (1)We have currently protected Greystar for a total of more than £2.5 million in case of accidental damage or rent arrears. And we have successfully worked with Greystar tenants, to ensure any damages or rent arrears are covered, for the small number of cases which do incur end of tenancy charges.

Do you want to start saving your tenants heaps on their move-in costs and receive market-leading protection against accidental damage or rent arrears? Then bring your properties up to date, by offering flatfair No Deposit to your residents today, contact partnerships@flatfair.co.uk or call 0207 078 7073 to find out more.