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Giving information to win more valuations

How Homesearch is rethinking online lead gen

By Sam Hunter, Homesearch COO

“See what the market is like for your home.” That’s the hook we chose for our new online lead generation tool, dubbed by one of our users as the “Lead Magnet”.

And it would appear, after over 3,300 searches in the first week after launch, that many of the public do indeed want to ‘see what the market is like for their home’.

The tool is all about information, rather than valuation. Branded as the agent, the public are presented with information on their own home, recent comparables and a breakdown of the current market for homes just like theirs and when it comes to their own valuation, they are prompted to contact the agent from there. If a consumer searches for their address and doesn’t make an enquiry with the agent, the agent is still served that address to do with what they like.

One of the features we’ve always wanted to use the Homesearch data for is online lead generation. When we did our research before building the Lead Magnet, we learnt that the biggest issue facing agents was the quality of leads. Fake names and emails were always received because the public just wanted to see the carrot being dangled, not talk to an agent. We want to make sure we send qualified leads.

The Lead Magnet takes the intelligent use of data, vital lead generation and frictionless engagement with the consumer to the next level.

As an industry, I think we’re all aware that consumers really don’t want to give up their personal data when they might just be curious. Likewise, agents are understandably protective of the very valuable consumer data that they generate and the majority don’t want to give that data away or share it with a third party. These two fundamentals drove the design and functionality of the Lead Magnet, which we believe really will increase engagement for agents in a way that helps to build consumer trust in their brand from their first interaction. That’s a win-win for everyone.

If you’re interested in using it yourself, flatfair clients can sign up for free at https://homesearch.co.uk/lead-magnet